但一个反过来的例子其实在互联网方面。这种 XX 学模式的讨论更为常见地出现在我们身边。比如讨论到「某社交网站为什么会死」,「某篇文章为什么会火」之类的,其实都是做的这么一项工作。虽然这一类东西本来应该算在新闻传播学的范畴里,但看在这类讨论毫无门槛,不负责任,质量低劣,很符合快餐模式的「互联网精神」(比如当年火过一阵的互联网烧饼),我觉得直接给它们冠上个「互联网学」或者「互联网研究」的分类好了。
今天适逢广受赞誉的电子字典制造商物書堂制造的的广受称赞的柯林斯字典(Collins COBUILD Advanced Dictionary of American English)降价,下午就购买了一下。当时还没觉得有什么特别的地方,好像有非常丰富的搜索功能。晚上在洗澡的时候(所谓浴室奇思,shower thought)突然意识到这一回,终于能和猜单词游戏,做个彻底的了断了。
这样的一个博客实际上给了我们一个博物管理员的视角,就像让我们来到了戏剧的舞台后台、电影的摄制片场,满足了我这样爱好者们的窥伺的欲望。这也就不得不提到前两年的系列电影《博物馆奇妙夜》(Night at the Museum),也是满足了观众类似的欲望,当然是以一种畅想的方式。类似的,博物志的节目走的是现实路线,显然更让我觉得爱不释手。当然,《博物馆奇妙夜》系列很大程度上吸引的是普遍的观众,拉近了博物馆与普通人的距离,而博物志节目的目标,则是让那些爱博物馆的人能够有机会走得更近、更深。
之前也是有从缺陷反应方程式出发进行计算。不过也就是停留在热力学的层面,想象缺陷的存在对于熵是有利的,而没有具象化到溶液的程度。这种具体化的落实有时候想想也是蛮有意思的,尤其是当没有人提示的话,连接这些点,也就是所谓的「connecting the dots」是极其困难的。但话说回来,这种比喻至多也就是帮组理解,可能会显得比较有趣,但真要理解这种事,还是要走热力学的思路。单纯的把缺陷当作溶质,用溶液理论的「跳越式」理解,无论如何都是发展不出如今这样丰富的缺陷理论的。
Along the way, my fascination with materials has continued to grow—and with it my collection of extraordinary samples of them. These samples have now been incorporated into a vast library of materials built together with my friends and colleagues Zoe Laughlin and Martin Conreen. Some are impossibly exotic, such as a piece of NASA aerogel, which being 99.8 percent air resembles solid smoke; some are radioactive, such as the uranium glass I found at the back of an antique shop in Australia; some are small but stupidly heavy, such as ingots of the metal tungsten extracted painstakingly from the mineral wolframite; some are utterly familiar but have a hidden secret, such as a sample of self-healing concrete. Taken together, this library of more than a thousand materials represents the ingredients that built our world, from our homes, to our clothes, to our machines, to our art. The library is now located and maintained at the Institute of Making which is part of University College London. You could rebuild our civilization from the contents of this library, and destroy it too.