微软出品的 Visual Studio Code 这款文本编辑器能广受程序员群体欢迎的一大原因便是采用了拥抱社群的开发方式。开发伊始,VSCode 开发团队便不断地在其 GitHub 仓库的 Issues (工单)系统中与用户互动,吸取社区中的意见。在最近一次 VSCode 的 Insider 版更新中由于加入了一个圣诞帽,引发了部分非基督教群体的抗议。
The Santa Hat on vscode insiders and pushing of religion is very offensive to me, additionally xmas has cost millions of Jews their lives over the centuries, yet even if that was not the case, pushing religious symbols as part of a product update is completely unacceptable. Please remove it immediately and make it your top priority. To me this is almost equally offensive as a swastika.
VSCode 提供了一个修改节日图标的选项,并默认显示不带装饰的图标,结果引发了第二轮更为汹涌的次生抗议,用户们大量发布仿写这一抗议的评论。VSCode 开发团队不得不临时关闭 Issues 功能 24 小时并清除了那些灌水工单和评论。虽然这一发生于 GitHub Issues 战场的论战最终以 VSCode 开发团队道歉宣告平息,但从 Code of Conduct 等一系列事件以来,对于政治正确积怨已久的程序员们抓住了机会将抗议转场到地下继续。让我们欣赏两则「阴阳怪气」的更新日志。
Apollo 1.6.6
If you don’t celebrate or celebrate something different, have an equally awesome time!

Pocket Casts 1.3.1
Merry [insert name of preferred holiday here]. [Preferred holiday magical person of choice] has some presents for you in the form of bug fixes!
