Chazeon Talk


New York Times 的播客 The Daily 3 月 27 日节目 A Kids’ Guide to Coronavirus 结尾谈到这一新型冠状病毒(COVID-19)对一代孩子们的影响时,引用纽约州长 Andrew Cuomo发言

This is going to be transformative and formative for society. I also think this is going to be transformative and formative for society. You think about our children. I have my daughters here with me. This is the first time they faced a real national adversity. You have a whole new generation who have never lived through anything like this. They never went to war. They were never drafted. They never went through a national crisis and this is going to shape them and I can tell you just from having my daughters with me. Yeah, they’re hurt, they’re scared, but they are also learning through this and at the end of the day they’re going to be better people for it and they’re going be better citizens for it. I believe that because they’re rising to the occasion.



有了 9/11,有了 SARS,有了汶川地震,才有了今天的我,和对于新闻、媒体、纪实报道和非虚构写作的关切。

或许会像迷失一代婴儿潮一代千禧年一代一样,原本叫做 Generation Alpha 的他们有一个属于自己的词,可以是是「病毒一代」。