Chazeon Talk


Bangumi 番组计划网友 Jadeity 2018 年 12 月 20 日在~技术宅真可怕~小组的讨论中发表了题为「自动炖汤机」的帖子:


Nature 杂志 2018 年 11 月 29 日新刊 Steiner 等发表一种化学合成的描述性语言来控制自动化的化学合成过程 Organic synthesis in a modular robotic system driven by a chemical programming language 并冠以「Chemputer」之名:

The synthesis of complex organic compounds is largely a manual process that is often incompletely documented. To address these shortcomings, we developed an abstraction that maps commonly reported methodological instructions into discrete steps amenable to automation.

2018 年末,用机器代替人手这件事,还是一种迷人的浪漫。